
by Skilmu Teknologi Indonesia



Kupintar is a chat-based learning application, designed for teachers to be able to teach online optimally. Kupintar is based on a text conversational learning model, so it is automatically faster, lighter, and of course much cheaper.Kupintar understands that online learning in Indonesia is unsatisfactory for both teachers and students (Unicef ​​data), especially for those who live in remote areas, which has the potential to trigger gaps in access to quality education. Kupintars empathy for teachers who are "forced to go online" , encouraging the development of applications that can turn teachers in formal classrooms into heroes for their students.What are the benefits of Kupintar for teachers?* FREEThis app is free to download from playstore* FASTThis application is text-based, you dont need a full internet signal to access it* LIGHTMedia (content-files) are not stored on the teachers or students phones, so they dont take up phone memory space* ECONOMICALChat doesnt consume internet quota like videoThen, what are the features that can be optimized by Guru?* CHANNELTeachers can invite students to online classes* KULCHATTeachers are free to convey material in one-way chat rooms* QUIZTeachers can ensure the quality of students understanding through quizzes* ARTICLEThe teacher can explain the material like a blog* DISCUSSIONThe teacher can open a discussion room that is relevant to the topic of discussion* INTEGRATEDKulchat materials and articles are integrated with their respective discussion rooms, this makes it very easy for teachersKupintar is the work of the nations alumni from ITB, UI, and other top universities, who have more than 10 years of experience in the education technology industry. We believe that the ease with which teachers can chat in online classes is an important thing that forms the basis for a continuing education application. The process of creating digital content by teachers for educational materials such as UTBK try-outs, videos, quizzes, and practice questions, can be read in an interesting way. directions by students, and schools by taking advantage of the Kulchat and Articles features in the Channel space. Kupintar was built to help equalize quality education throughout Indonesia, because Kupintar understands that online learning is not only for the lucky ones.Email: [email protected]: https://kupintar.id/